ATA Code of Practice (as amended and adopted July 2008):
The members of the association are committed to the promotion of a safe play environment for children. To achieve this all members of the Australian Toy Association are subscribers to the following Code of Practice:
All members of the Association are subscribers to the following ATA Code of Practice:
- We are firmly committed to the development and promotion of safe play environments for children, and to place only safe products on the market.
- We agree to adhere strictly to national and international safety standards and to take prompt, effective and appropriate action should a safety problem arise.
- Further we agree to notify the Association immediately of any allegation by an enforcement authority that my/our product(s) contravene relevant safety regulations.
- We are committed to the principle of ethical standards in regard to the advertising to children and adhere to government regulations and requirements.
- Further we agree to operate under the AANA Code for Advertising & Marketing Communications to Children (May 2008).
- We support and encourage research conducted in regard to any aspect of children’s products and will be involved where possible and offer full co-operation.
- We oppose strongly the practice of counterfeiting not only as an unfair trading practice but one which may expose children to products which do not comply with safety standards.
- Further we declare that we do not knowingly market counterfeit product(s) and we understand that a judgment against us whether brought privately or otherwise for copyright or trade mark infringement may render us liable to review under ATA procedures.
- We recognise we have a duty to ensure lawful, fair, safe and healthy working conditions for those employed in the contract manufacture of children’s products.
- We support the production of safe product in compliance with the Code for Business Practice of International Council of Toy Industries.
- To discharge this duty, we agree to have arrangements with vendors or their agents which require and maintain such conditions.
- We understand that a successful prosecution under relevant safety regulations will be regarded by the Association as a breach of this code and may render us liable for review under ATA procedures.
- We understand that willful breaches of the code may lead to my/our expulsion from the Association and the denial of space at the Australian Toy, Hobby & Licensing Fair.
- We shall actively support appropriate children’s causes.