COVID-19 Info

COVID-19 Info

ATA Update

As the situation regarding COVID-19 and the restrictions that this is placing on all of us unfolds, we would like to assure you, our members, that the ATA remains fully engaged and is here to assist where possible.

Important Links

Below you will find some information that we have collated and which may assist you.
There is also assistance and information provided by each state Government and links to these are:

Your Feedback

Please help to ensure that our efforts are targeted correctly by letting us know of the challenges that you are facing and how you think that the ATA could assist with these.

You can email or call (03) 9320 2600 anytime to let me know your concerns.

On the Positive Side

With more and more families choosing or required to stay at home, there is an opportunity for toys, games and hobby products to become a more important part of everyone’s lives and to help this crisis pass a little easier.

We will therefore continue to work hard in promoting the Value of Play through all of our channels.

ATA Operations

The ATA office remains to work effectively and efficiently however all staff, due to current Victorian guidelines, are working from home..